Tilley + Me | Bamboo Dry Brush for Body






Upgrade your daily shower from a rinse to a zen-sational spa adventure! This Bamboo Dry Brush is the secret to exfoliated, baby-soft skin. Amazing for your lymphatic system, and crafted from eco-friendly bamboo, it's your sustainable sidekick for a newly revitalized you. Boost your metabolism, relieve fatigue, and induce sleep. Elevate self-care, one brush at a time!

Bamboo Dry Brush for Body Details:

Dimension: 5.5 in long
Material: Bamboo + Sisal
Quantity: 1

Good For The Earth: 

Bamboo is one of the most sustainable woods in the world. Bamboo can produce 35% more oxygen than any other trees in the world. Bamboo wood can be compostable and biodegradable. They are very much like grass, once cut and will regrow continuously. It can be grown and harvested without the use of pesticides, due to a unique rhizome-dependent system. Certain species of bamboo can grow 910 mm (36 in to 50in) within a 24-hour period, that is 1 inch every 40 minutes!

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